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Submission Guidelines for "Uprising" Comics

Originality is Key:

We’re looking for fresh, original ideas that push the boundaries of storytelling. Avoid clichés and familiar tropes; surprise us with your creativity!

Also note: We are not accepting submissions in the superhero genre, as we have our own connected superhero universe. We are also not accepting explicitly erotic storylines. Submissions in this genre will be disregarded.

Format and Genre: 

We welcome submissions in many formats, such as single issues, ongoing or limited series, and graphic novels. Our interests encompass a wide range of genres, from sci-fi and fantasy to historical fiction, non-fiction and horror. Whatever your niche, we’re excited to explore it!

Quality is Non-Negotiable:

Please submit polished, professionally executed work. This entails well-crafted scripts, engaging characters, captivating artwork with appropriately detailed backgrounds, and clean lettering. Ensure your submission reflects your utmost effort and attention to detail.

Policy on AI: 

While we acknowledge the emergence of Artificially Generated Imagery and Writing in our evolving landscape, determining what is AI-assisted can be challenging. We strongly encourage submissions that are entirely human-made, although we recognize the difficulty in distinguishing. If any part or the entirety of a submission is suspected to be AI-generated, we will reject it without further inquiry.

Submission Materials:

1. Please provide a succinct, typed cover letter outlining your project and relevant previous experience. Include your contact information (name, email address) prominently displayed at the top of the page. Responses to submissions will be sent via email exclusively.

2. Please submit a concise, one-page synopsis detailing the overarching story arc, do not avoid spoilers while highlighting major plot points. Clearly articulate what distinguishes your story from others in the comic landscape and define your target audience, recognizing that a broad “For Everyone” demographic is unrealistic.

3. Additionally, indicate your preference regarding the format of your comic—whether it’s envisioned as a full-color or black-and-white publication, a miniseries or an ongoing series, and whether it’s intended as a prestige book or an original graphic novel. While we welcome your input, we may suggest the format we believe will best resonate with readers in the current market.

4. Please provide fully inked and lettered sequential story art pages, excluding character sketches or bios. Include a minimum of five fully inked and lettered pages, as we prioritize assessing your comprehension of the medium and storytelling abilities. While color is optional, if you plan for your book to be colored, please include color versions. We may recommend a different colorist upon acquisition of the project.

5. Please provide a finished cover or a cover mock-up, as it helps gauge your understanding of the market and showcases your design sensibility. Pending creator approval, we may suggest a redesign upon acquiring your project.

Email all submissions to We do not accept physical submissions at this time.

Copyright and Ownership:

Make sure you possess the legal rights to the characters and material you submit. We highly value creators’ rights and insist that all submissions consist of original works owned by the submitting party. Currently, we are not considering acquiring existing properties. Our preference is for your first issue to debut through our platform first.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:

The creative team you present in your pitch is the team we anticipate working on your book. If any member of the pitched team departs at any stage of the project, you may need to resubmit your proposal with the updated creative team lineup. For ongoing titles, any changes to the creative team must be communicated to us for approval.

Submission Process:

Send your submission package via email to Please use the subject line “Submission: [Title of Your Comic]” to help us identify your submission promptly. We aim to respond to all submissions within 30 days of receiving them.

Patience is a Virtue: 

Due to the volume of submissions we receive, please allow us ample time to review your work thoroughly. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Feedback Policy:

While we may not be able to offer detailed feedback on every submission, we’re committed to providing constructive criticism whenever feasible. We aim to assist creators in refining their craft and enhancing their work. If your submission is not accepted, please consider the feedback provided and feel free to resubmit with revisions. However, please be aware that resubmitted work will be placed at the back of the submissions queue. Remember, perseverance is key: if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Rights and Contracts:

If we express interest in publishing your work, we’ll discuss contract terms and rights agreements. We strive for fair and transparent dealings with all creators.

Stay Connected:

Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on submission calls, publishing news, and events.

Thank you for considering Uprising Comics for your creative endeavors. We’re excited to discover new talent and collaborate with passionate creators like you!

Creative Director: Van Claridge